“Ivan the Terrible” by Prokofiev. Awards Princess of Asturias. Closing Concert
Iván the Terrible Sergei Prokofiev Awards Princess of Asturias. Closing Concert 19 October 2017 Auditorio Príncipe Felipe de Oviedo The concert will be be honoured by the presence of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, don Felipe and doña Letizia...
La Revoltosa by Chapí and Florián Rey. Veranos de la Villa August 24, 2017
La Revoltosa by Chapí and Florián Rey VERANOS DE LA VILLA August 24, 2017 Projection of the silent film The Revoltosa of Florian Rey with the live music of the zarzuela of Chapí ___________________________________________________ María Mendizábal, soprano Alfredo...
Opera “Tenorio” by Tomás Marco. World Premiere. July 28, 2017. El Escorial
OPERA "TENORIO" BY TOMÁS MARCO World Premiere DEDICATED TO ALFREDO GARCÍA Teatro Auditorio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. jULY 28, 2017 ___________________________________________________ Alfredo García, Tenorio, baritone Carmen Gurriarán, Lucía, Doña Ana y Doña Inés,...
“El Retablo de Maese Pedro” by Falla. Madrid. ONE. Juni 2 and 3, 2017
El Retablo de Maese Pedro Manuel de Falla. Madrid, Juni 2 and 3, 2017. Auditorio Nacional de Música de Madrid The concert is broadcast on Radio Nacional de España (Radio Clásica) on June 4, 2017 ___________________________________________________ Alfredo García, Don...