In the eerie and barren piece of Ohana, intensely dramatic, acted with full credit … Alfredo Garcia, powerful baritone voice-only soloist that needed no amplification-, who ruled his demanding role with great dramatic flair

El País

The best, the Pasquariello of Alfredo Garcia, Leporello in one piece, by nerve, duplicity and cunning, and finally here, a strong voice. 

El Mundo


Alfredo Garcia was the baritone who astounded with his vocal quality, expressiveness and impeccable diction.

Opera World


Alfredo García one of the best singers

Alfredo García one of the best singers

The magazine Ópera Actual, have selected Alfredo García among the best singers in their number for the month of November, according to the operas critics of their collaborators around the world. In this list there are artists like Cecilia Bartoli, Javier Camarena, Nancy Fabiola-Herrera or René Pape.

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Arrancando motores. Una nueva #opera en marcha. #sonorensemble "Siempre es de noche ahora". Música de Eduardo Morales Caso y libreto de @morenobarber…

About 2 years ago from Alfredo García's Twitter


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